Are there bad spirits?
There is something fascinating in the unexplainable.
There has been many the spooky film depictions of ghosts and goblins that has seeped into our subconscious minds through the television (tell-a-vision). Spirits are often depicted as scary ghosts here to haunt you. Yet our own minds seem to be the ones doing the haunting.
Don't get me wrong I love a good ghost story. In my world, my mediumship doesn't collide with apparitions of ghosts. I have experienced ghosts before but in a different way than I have experienced the spirit world/mediumship through my psychic awareness. I have a friend that works in Paranormal Investigation and in her world it's one in the same. This deserves another post so I will save this convo for later.
My recommendation, if you're anything like me (highly sensitive) it's best to steer clear of horror films and find your own way around different energies rather than walking into something with the preconceived thoughts of some creepy movie you have seen that's seeped into your subconscious. It's important to recognize the difference between your intuition and fear.
Are there bad spirits?
In my experience I've never experienced bad energy or frightening spirits in my readings. It's not a focus of mine, therefore it doesn't enter my world. I've never felt anything but love and connection that comes from the spirit world. This doesn't mean that everything is love and light either, sometimes someones personality may have been a bit more difficult during their life. Likely it's something that they may acknowledge and at times share their remorse for. It will be helpful to you if the medium is sharing the quirks of your loved ones personality because if they said grandma was just the sweetest little thing on the planet and she wasn't.. you wouldn't believe them anyway.
You have control.
When I was younger I would often get something called sleep paralysis. I found it would happen when things in my world felt a little "off" or negative. It was a scary thing! I'll spare you the details.. enough to give someone nightmares. What I realized is that I was always in control. I could tell these energies to go away, and so I did. I would surround myself in light and I would fill my condo with flowers to shift the energy. Lighting candles and setting positive intentions also helps. You always have the power my dear.
What if I'm afraid of receiving a mediumship reading?
Your loved ones in spirit are not there to judge, blame or shame you. From their view they see everything from a higher perspective. They are in a place of love and non-judgement. Remember that we came to earth to live all the ups and downs, in the most human way. The spirit world is a place of unconditional love. Your loved ones in spirit want to share their love, guidance and support with you. We may have the very real feelings of guilt in our grief, the things we think we "should've, would've, could've said but didn't" that we hold on to. Your loved ones in spirit aren't holding on to the call you missed from them, and they aren't faulting you for the things you said in your past.
Your loved ones in spirit have the same personalities that they had here when they were alive but they are going through their own learning and healing where they are in the spirit world. They are seeing things from a higher perspective. If you have a reading with a medium, your loved one might only have a few minutes of time to get their message across to you and provide evidence of survival. They are here for you and want to share their love and guidance with you.
With love,
To book a reading with Jenny please see info here